Well, I know I have been silent for a good long while, so let me get you up to speed... well, at least partially.
Back track to the end of the school year. Watching all your friends leave for the summer and knowing you are stuck a whole week more not knowing if anyone you even know is staying is hard. I learned that. Watching God introduce you to new people and making summerlude one of the most enjoyable weeks you've had in a long while is amazing. So is finding out that a number of your friends are staying.
What is also amazing is getting ready for a wedding in the front seat of a mini-van in the sweltering heat with your mom sitting behind you curling your hair. I thought that was a feat for the record books. :o)
The end of May came, and I found myself starting back at Wendy's come June. I thought I was going to hate every minute of it, but... I haven't! I've actually learned a bit. For example- I can now make almost any salad on the Wendy's menu! I also finally figured out how to evenly slice tomatoes, I can also slice lemons... but that's not hard...
But I learned some other things that are slightly more important. At first I just had a terrible attitude about it. I was ungrateful that I even had a job. But then, God got a hold of me and showed me that I was being ungrateful and proud and a whole mess of other things. Here's where all those years of AWANA paid off- God brought to my mind a verse one day while I was working. It was that one that goes something like 'in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content'.
I learned to be content in a lot of ways: content with my job, content with my circumstances, content with my station in life, and much more.
And it seemed that 5 minutes after I learned to be content to live without what I want and to trust Him with what I need, He turned around and gave me what I wanted. I'm still waiting for what I need, but I have reached a point where I can just walk by faith.
So, in waiting for what I need, I simply ask that you all pray for my Dad in his hunt for a job and that I'll have enough money for tuition.