Monday, December 31, 2007

and a Happy New Year!

Well, for my last post of the year, I shall take stock as to what all this year held.

-I managed to make good on the resolution to blog more.
-I turned 19
-Managed to write in my journal once a month
-Read more C. S. Lewis
-Started writing a story that I think may actually get somewhere! YAY!
-Worked at Wendy's pretty much all summer
-Dealt with bitterness
-Sold out to God
-Learned substantially about the love of God
-Learned to trust Him more wholly
-Fell into shock for the first time
-Worked costume room
-Was an extra in a play
-Pluto was discriminated against and told it couldn't be a planet anymore
-Went to church in a really sweet car for pretty much a whole semester
-Made a couple new friends
-Reconnected with some old ones
-Learned that I really can't stand tea
-Learned coffee is amazing
-Got 2 new Bibles
-Started learning Sign Language
-Started keeping a spiritual journal
-Sewed a new formal
-Went to 2 weddings for 2 of my roomies from Freshman year
-Started a notebook to keep all my poetry in one place
-Watched every single Strong Bad email on
-Joined Facebook (I caved)
-Took a couple of voice lessons
But the one that tickled me most was something left over from last year's dorm prayer group -
-Got to S.C.A.R.E. I got to See Christ Arrange Remarkable Events. And best of all, it was in ways I could have never fathomed and when I least expected it.

So, this year was good. I grew, God worked, and I did things I had never done before. Yes, twas a good year.

Happy New Years everyone! I hope 2007 was a good year for you as well, but whether or not it was, I hope 2008 is even better! God bless! Write you again next year!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

This is a VERY early morning post! It's nearly 3 AM, and I can't go to sleep just yet, so I'm blogging to tell you all MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

I feel that in addition to all the stuff I've already gotten and will get after the sun is up, and even in addition to the birth of Jesus, I have been given much by God. When break started, as I said a post or so ago, things were rough, and still are. However, I can once again see the hand of God in all things. For a little bit there I couldn't, and it was all I could do to cling to God. Then He showed Himself to me in ways I cannot express. To sum it up, I shall borrow a phrase I heard in chapel- God is sovereign and it is perfect.

You would be hard pressed to find something more beautiful in this world than seeing the plans of God unfold.

Reading the Christmas stories as they are scattered throughout the first chapters of the Gospels and seeing how it fulfilled God's promises in such a perfect way in such a perfect time is glorious. But then to turn around and see how God has lead in directed in my own life and how things happen in His exact perfect way and in exactly the perfect moment is amazing. For me, it is as if the ancient days in which God worked so plainly have been revived. The veil that blinds is torn away for a moment in time and I am allowed to see how God is working above, in, through, and under all the distracting madness of this world. And then I see that the ancients saw God's working no clearer or more hid than I.

He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Praise Him for His faithfulness, His sovereignty, and His steadfast love! Praise His name!

Merry Christmas my friends! May the day be a celebration of His birth and a day of thanksgiving.

Friday, December 21, 2007


Well, to catch the world up on the trivial and inane (but fun and fascinating!) ...

Peter Jackson has agreed to work with New Line to make the Hobbit. They are going to break it up into two movies which will be shot simultaneously. They are due to appear in a theatre near you around 2010 and 2011. YIPPIE!!! I'm excited!!! :oD

I have also decided to temporarily remove the words "Never Here..." from the top of my blog. I figure the whole 1 of you that actually goes to my blog and reads the header (verses my two facebook readers who have probably never seen it) probably already know whose blog your reading, where it is, and what it is called, and therefore I can sacrifice it in the name of a holiday header. Go me!

I also decided I was having a hard time reading my own blog and therefore picked a different font and made it larger so I can read it more easily. Again, my this is for the benefit of myself and the whole 1 reader that actually comes here (my Facebook reader(s) aside).

My mom has also purchased a new popcorn popper for us all for Christmas. I am sure my brother and myself shall see the most use of it, but I had great fun trying to figure out how to wrap it. In the end, it was all covered in paper. Apparently gift wrapping strange shaped objects is a talent I do not possess. My poor future children. They shall have badly wrapped gifts. Maybe I'll follow in the footsteps of one of my grandma's and put things in odd boxes... like saltine cracker boxes or Kleenex boxes.

Moving on!

I am reading "Flabbergasted" by Ray Blackston again and laughing just as hard! It really is a wonderful mini-vacation. Particularly for the broke college student.

I have also picked up pen and notebook once again to write. If I am patient and muscle through this dull part, I'll get to the fun stuff. I just haven't had the time or discipline to do so as of late. Been a little busy. Now, however, I have the free time so I'm going for it.

Another side note - National Treasure 2 comes out today and I have every intention of going to see it. If nothing else, I'm hoping to laugh at Riley. He's hysterical.

Oh, here is a quirky little side note on God's provision. For whatever reason, some lady called and asked my mom if she would be willing to be apart of a focus group. She was quite insistent that Mom would be a good fit and finangled around one slight hitch to get Mom in. For two or so hours of her time, my Mom got some nice pocket change, and that's after the first day they wanted to have her come in didn't work out and she would have gotten less that day anyway. To add icing to the cupcake, my two younger siblings can do similar sort of things and get paid. I think I might be able to as well. Haven't looked into it yet.

I shall never cease to marvel at God's provision and timing. He always provides- and usually in the last way you would have ever dreamed.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ever on

Well, I may remember this year as one of the most trying ones of my young life. I got home and the mini-van decided to have a seizure or something. It started sounding like an RC car and it wouldn't shift into gear, it would barely move... and it was bad. Thankfully, we figured out that it wasn't just the slick roads making the tires spin before we left the subdivision. My dad is currently trying to figure out what's wrong with it and we're hoping it won't cost us an arm and a leg to fix it. As it stands, we're broke. Or about there. Dad's been unemployed since April and unemployment is run out.

However dismal this may look, it could definitely be worse. In light of how my semester has gone, this is par for the course and I am once again challenged to make sure my dependence, focus, and trust is on God. For as uncertain and shaky as everything seems right now, it really isn't as worrisome as you might think. "I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread." Psalm 37:25.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Safe and Sound

Well, I made it home safe and sound with out hiccup. I think we made pretty good time coming back, and so for the second time I came home in time for dinner. YAY! Nothing beats coming home, talking, and then eating dinner. I even watched Spiderman 3. YAY!!!

Howsomever, I know that there are students traveling that haven't made it home yet and are still driving, some of them through a lovely little snow storm too. My prayers and thoughts are with them. It would be a big bummer if someone ended up stranded or worse.


This is the first thing I've had close to alone time since I've gotten home, so I am now taking it to reflect a little bit on the semester. This reflection shall probably end up quite shallow because it is late and I am tired.

A while back in chapel, the speaker asked if we were the same person now as we were a week ago and if God had grown us at all in that time. Over the span of this semester, I know I have changed. I am not the same girl I was walking into this semester as I am walking out of it. There is a distinct difference between who I was and who I am. I have grown more than I thought possible to grow in one semester and... I'm tired! I am SO glad God put me through everything that He did. I wouldn't trade a second of it. However, I am tired and I am really hoping that God would grant me a day to get away and just be with Him to read, pray, and think. As one friend put it, even Jesus would have to take a break and go get alone with His Father. Yes, I am really hoping I can get such a day and that it would be soon!

Maybe one of these days I will tell the full tale of how God worked, but it is a long tale and it is late. Prayers and pillows are calling...

Sunday, December 09, 2007

For Stephen's Sake

I wasn't particularly planning to post today, but since Stephen has so wished I do so, I am now here rambling about nothing. And I am sorry this ramble came no sooner than it did, for I'm sure he wanted it for his own amusement during his ridiculously long shift.

Well, now that I'm here and writing, I think I best think of a topic... and I got nuttin'. Well, I did have a couple of interesting events with in the last 24 hours, however they do not make good stories. More like pointless rambles.

No comments, please!

Hmmm.... *hunts through my poetry* Not sure if I want to put any of that up. Oooh! Here's one! I wrote this one over the summer.

Oh My Soul, Oh My Soul

Why are you cast down oh my soul, oh my soul?
What burden do you bear oh my soul, oh my soul?
Why is your heart so low?
Why is your face worn with care?
What heavy burdens do you bear, oh my soul?

Have you forgot that He cares oh my soul, oh my soul?
Have you forgot that He hears oh my soul, oh my soul?
He hears your weakest prayer
For you He’s ever there
Have you forgotten that He hears, oh my soul?

July 31, 2007

Alright, I must go study now for finals. Pray I pass all my classes! PLEASE!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

It's Christmas Time!

It is that time of year again! Time to break out the sweaters, the hats, scarfs, gloves, boots, thick socks, leg warmers, leggings, turtle necks... all things that say warm and toasty. Today we had our first snow storm of the year and it is a good one! Last I looked outside we had many inches of snow and it was very windy and VERY cold!

And as the weather has officially changed for the Christmas-y, so is my blog. Starting today I shall start decking the digital halls and having myself a merry little Christmas, indeed!

So, if this thing looks a little... weird... just know it's undergoing Christmas reconstruction.

Until next time,