We are now halfway through the semester. It has FLOWN by! I think I have the best room ever this year because we are all getting along really well. Happy Frank! To my elation and joy, the freshman roomie happens to be a poet! This makes me very excited and happy considering how much I love good poetry and how much I have written! I almost cried (in the screaming/yelling sense) for joy when I learned she was a poet. Do you have any idea how wonderful it is to have another soul to talk poetry with? Compare poetry, critique, discuss... rapturous! Now I just need a short story and book writer and my cup of writers joy shall be full! I have been three years without a writing kindred spirit around and I have forgotten how wonderful it is!
Classes have been insane and intense, but really good. I am enjoying all of them so far... even the ones I'm not so enthusiastic about are still interesting and practical, so I can't make any complaint.
Must run! I shall try to post longer and better about more interesting things soon!