Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sorely neglected...

Dear Never-here blog,
I have sorely neglected you over the past nine months. Sorry about that. If it helps make you feel any better, I haven't had a lot going on in my life. The only notable things have been finding a new fun obsession in Avatar: the Last Airbender and taking up yoga. I can almost touch my toes, I'm like an inch away! YAY!

Don't mock me.

I would like to let you know, that I have not forgotten you, or the Tales of Pharmacie. I'm still working on it... I just can't figure out the climax of the story! I've got a plot hole that looks like it could swallow a Volkswagen.

Other than that... not much going on here. Border's has closed, which makes me sad... but not much else happened/happening.

All for now! Hopefully I'll write soon with some sort of awesome, pithy, insightful post about something epic.

Sincerely yours,
Mona Lisa

P.S. One of these days I will get on here and post something life shatteringly epic. Something like, I just got a date... or traveled somewhere awesome... or started wandering around in space and time in a blue box with a man called the Doctor...

Dream dream dream...

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Happy New Year

2010 is gone and 2011 is here! There has been some debate on whether or not last year, this year, or some other year was/is/will be the end of the decade, but I'm not getting into that. What I will get into is a recap of my last year and predictions for this year.

Last Year:
Started out the year in Brasil, learned the art of making coffee related drinks, worked at a book shop, got a diploma, avoided major catastrophe in my life, got addicted to Doctor Who, learned I could pass for a Seventh Day Adventist... decent year. Except for the Brasil bits, it was kinda dull and went by fairly quickly. Did have a few highlights, like seeing my friends and their child, Brasil, meeting some of the OCD people who work at bookshops, teaching a free ESL class... but nothing OMJ AMAAAAZING! Then again, those sort of things don't happen very often, so I suppose I shouldn't be surprised or disappointed by my serious lack of them.

This Year:
Well, I've spent the first two days down with illness likeness. (Don't make comment on my weirdly grammars. Tis my own dialect. ;oP ) New Year's Eve was fun though. Hung out with some of my friends, a person I went to school with, people I hadn't seen in a while. Good times. Also going to a play this week called "Thirty Nine Steps". Not sure what it is about, but worth a go, especially for free.

Other than that, I make this prediction for 2011: I will end it in the same position in life I currently hold. ie: single, living at home, a few pittance in the bank, still not traveled to Europe. I may have a different job by the year's end, but I doubt anything else will much change. Unless my car dies. Then I'll probably get a different one.

I've rambled through my ill fog long enough.