Monday, November 06, 2006

Wild and Crazy Notion

I have this wild and crazy notion. And for variety's sake, I think it should be done.

Personally, I get sick of singing the same few songs over and over again. Once, just once, I would LOVE to be in a church where the music director stood up in front of the congregation one day and said, "We're going to sing every song in the hymnal, starting with the first song and ending with the last." and then over the next months sing straight through the hymnal. That would be wonderful!

In the church I grew up in, there were something close to 825 songs in the hymnal. I seriously doubt whether I've sang more than 150 of them. I've been using that hymnal for the last 18 years.

Now, being musically inclined, I could go through and pick out the tune on the piano, but that still leaves the rest of the non-musical, non-motivated congregation in the dark about all sorts of wonderful hymns.

Why do I say this? Because I get sick of singing the same few hymns every week. The Baptist order of service and hymns sung on Sundays is about as predictable as the phases of the moon.

Could we PLEASE shake things up a little every now and again? Would it kill us?


Though, the congregation might fall into shock.


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