Monday, July 07, 2008

Tales From Farmacie - Part 1

Now that I know people actually read my blog, I feel obligated to update it more often. However, I am at a pathetic lack of things to talk about. There are, of course, a number of issues one can address at any given point, but which one does one write on?

Since I am not in the mood for anything political, religious, or serious, then let me post frivolously. Now, what bit of frivolity?

Aha! I know! I shall tell you a story!

Once in a land called Farmacie there was a good king named Adville and his good queen named Allegra and they had two beautiful childrin- Prince Codine and Princess Morfine. On their first birthday they were presented before the court and bestowed gifts by various nobility and peoples of importance in the kingdom.

King Adville and Queen Allegra invited everyone in Farmacie, but accidentelly forgot to invite the King's sister, Witch Hazel and her husband Mewsinex. They were both quite put out and Hazel was convinced this was done on purpose, but she and her husband resolved to show up anyway and repay the King for his forgetfulness.

The day of the birthday arrived and King Adville and Queen Allegra greeted everyone including Witch Hazel and Mewsinex with the utmost joy and courtesy. The time came for gifts to be bestowed and towards the end of the gift giving, Witch Hazel stepped forward. She bent low over their cradles and sprinkled a dust over them. Then, she stood upright and said in a loud voice, "Though over looked we both have been/ This shall not be ever again/ For now when near your kids you be/ You shall be drowsy and loopy!"

"That doesn't make any sense!" Cried Queen Allegra.
"Shut up you decongested ninny!" retorted Witch Hazel. "and it doesn't have to anyway! The point is, whenever you get near your children you shall become drowsy and unable to drive or operate heavy machinery!"
"Don't forget unable to drink alcohol," Mewsinex sneered.
"Oh yes, that too!" Witch Hazel said. She then cackled wickedly and her and her husband disappeared with a flash and a bang.


1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Still waiting for part 2...checking every day...