Some years ago I found a website that had a very long list of books written by C. S. Lewis. I currently have 23 books by Lewis, with 3 more on the way. Those 3 excluded, I still am shy 32 books of owning the complete works of C. S. Lewis. Sadly, almost all of my Lewis books are paperback. I do have a copy of the rare (ie: $$) "Allegory of Love" which is one of two hardcovers (the other being "Miracles" with "The Screwtape Letters" crammed in the back). Sadly, I could only afford to get the second edition of "Allegory of Love", but it's in great condition! So I'm not complaining. I wouldn't mind getting a first edition, but whatever. I'm hoping one day to find myself the happy possessor of hardcover set of the Chronicles of Narnia. I'm thinking if I finish off my paper back collection and I get bored with some extra cash, I will go about getting all hardcover editions of his books and/or as early an edition as I can get my hands on.
I also seem to have quite the Tolkien collection (which I never set out to acquire...) including a very lovely suede leather with gold foil Lord of the Rings and a leather and foil copy of the Hobbit. I also recently(ish) got a big, beautiful copy of the "Silmarillion". Not to mention two new releases (yes, you read that right) of "The Children of Hurin" (or "Narn I Hin Hurin" for us nerds) and "Sigurd and Gudrun" which is a big poetry book loosely based off of a set of Norse legends. Go figure! Tolkien seems to be the one of whom I get duplicates. You see, I have 2 copies of 4 books. I believe there is only 1 duplicate in my Lewis collection (I managed to get "Screwtape Letters" twice).
Besides my OCD obsession with having to own all the books in a series (regardless of how many my sister has and is willing to let me borrow them whenever), I also seem to be acquiring quite the interesting hodge podge of what I call "reference books". Whatever you're thinking of is dead wrong. These are books like "Lord of the Rings Weapons and Warfare" or "The Languages of Tolkien's Middle-earth" and "Trees", "Names for Baby", "Weapons", "The Complete Tolkien Companion", and who can forget, "Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures". Yes, this would be the nerdy reference collection.
What I am really looking for to add to my little list of "reference" books are: a book on warfare (as in basic principles of ancient war, strategy, etc.), a book on flowers and plants (what sort of climate, soil, etc. they need/location. If it showed regions where these things grew and explained why that would be fantastic!), a detailed book on clothing throughout human history (it's fabric, color, and function with explanations on how it was worn), a book on sword play, a book on archery, and a really hackin' awesome book on topography. If the topography book included how topography effects weather, human development, and mindset that would be great. While I'm at it, let's throw in a good book on weather. And if the weather book can go into how/why it effects humans (achy joints and all that) that would be really fantastic.
To add to it all, I'm also looking to get a mini theology library. I've been told a long list of good resources for this, that, and the other and I figure it wouldn't be a bad thing to keep a few good theology books lying around. I think I've got 7 or 8 I'm seriously looking to get sooner or later...
The biggest problem I face (as most collectors do) is where to put my collection. I don't have very much room right now. My gorgeous, hand made, designed-by-me book shelf is bordering stuffed to the gills status. This oak, cherry, and mahogany book shelf is nearly full with 113 (soon to be 116) books, 6 feet of CD's, and a nice stereo with 2 speakers (because I have no where else to put it). I can still cram a few more books into because it is 1 foot thick and I can double layer books, but even so!
In any event, I am a collector of books. I have read nearly every book I've bought cover to cover (got a few newer ones I haven't been able to get to or finish yet!) and I have read loads of books I haven't bought (high school reading lists... blech!). I'm very picky with the books I buy (because I only buy books I like and I am very persnickety with books I like). I get the book I want with the cover I want for the price I want. ;o) I have almost bought as many books as I've written poems (poems are up by 41)!
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