Thursday, September 28, 2006

And in other news

I decided it would be fun to post some news articles I had found.

When Squirrels Attack!

Interrogating Terrorists

Pray for Voters

In case you are wondering, the pic has absolutely nothing to do with anything. I just like it so I put it up.

I'm feeling a bit random tonight. So, to randomly throw out some more stuff -
God is very gracious. VERY VERY VERY gracious! He just keeps showing me how marvelously wonderful He is while making me realize how much I don't deserve it. Lessons in blessings.

Ever since I've gotten hear, I've seen God do more things in my life than I thought possible. For the first time I'm seeing God at every turn. It's absolutely amazing to me.

I'm starting to feel quite spoiled up here. Quite spoiled indeed! When I got here, I expected things to be less than what they are. I really didn't think I'd meet very many people at all, I really didn't think I'd like so many of my classes, I didn't expect so many of prayers to be answered about college... so many things I can't even begin to remember them all! Yet, I've met a lot of people (at least, many more than I expected), I love all of my classes, and God is answering prayers before I pray them! Well, so it seems.

I am watching myself grow and stretch and change spiritually in ways I didn't even think possible. Not that it's so extreme, but that, every moment He's working on me and so I'm growing quickly, but gently. I know sooner or later He might stretch me a little faster than I like, or in a direction I don't like, but I know I shall be able to bear it.

I'm also learning a lot about the personality of Jesus. Finally, after all these years, the things I was taught about Him in Sunday School are starting to become very real. I was reading in Matthew last night and this morning, and for the first time I was reading about Jesus and seeing Him as a person. With a personality and everything! This might sound rather funny or odd (maybe even sad) but until recently, I could never really see Jesus having a personality. It never really occured to me that He might laugh, smile, etc. I know... it sounds silly. But it didn't!

Learning a lot about His grace and mercy too. Funny thing about that too... The more I see how good God is, the more I see how bad I am. It is incredibly humbling. Inspires action too. The more He does for me, the more I want to do for Him.

I'd love to go on and on about what I'm learning, but the lessons are so "small" and so many that I couldn't if I wanted to! I'm definitly with the song writer here that penned, "moment by moment new mercies I see." Also learning that counting your blessings really will surprise you.

At times, I feel so dumb because I'm learning these really simple lessons just now. I remember being taught many of these things in elementary Sunday School. Also, things I learned once, I'm learning again, but on a deeper level. It's like social studies in elementary school. You learn the same thing year after year, but each time you go over it, you learn something more about it.

Alrighty, all for now!

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