Thursday, September 14, 2006

Live, drive, and survive

That title is completely random.

Moving on.

The last post was... yeeaaahh... ignore that. Heehee...

Life is improving! I joined the Spurgeon society today... not entirely sure why though. It was either God's leading or my mind playing games with me. In any event, what's done is done and there is nothing I can do about it. Not that I want to. I'm actually pretty apathetic towards the whole thing. Which isn't good, I've been told, but I've never been much of one for societies, clubs, and what not (UNTA aside).

I just really don't get them.

And I'm dreading initiation. Thus far, I have successfully avoided all forms of public humiliation involving pranks, initiations, etc. I can usually spot a trap a mile off. The problem with society's are that even if you do spot it, you will probably have to endure it any way.

Some spiritual, godly person would read that and think I'm proud and can't stand the humiliation, or that I'm too self concious or something. No... it's more like, I don't like to be decieved and mocked. Gladly will I do something silly or make a dork out of myself, but I really have a hard time with involuntary public humiliation staged by other people. Accidents don't even bother me, it's just knowing full well that someone set this up so I could be laughed at or with, or initiated, or whatever they say just doesn't sit well.

I can't imagine it will be anything too terrible, and I'm probably making a mountain out of a mole hill, but... I'm dreading it.

It probably won't be as bad as I'm thinking, but I'm still dreading it. And if the Freshman activity is any indication... yeah... We were told to stand in a circle while being pelted with water balloons and then later dodge balls.

It was... an interesting experience, and was enjoyable... in a weird, almost degrading, vulnerable way. I mean, I really did laugh and have fun... but it was... I can't describe it. I probably need more of it in my life.

Well anyway, I'm talking a lot, but not saying anything.

This is Peggy Marshall signing off!

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