Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Make-up! Act I

Well, I signed up to do make up for "Papa", thinking that I'd be doing the make up of "Extra #3" and maybe, "guy with three lines." But who did I get? The Narrator, Lyd, and Papa Patz! Yes, I somehow managed to get assigned to do Papa.

This is slightly nerving! I mean, I mess up his make up, and the main character looks bad! And if I have to redo it all... Consequences could be bad! But oh the fun of it!

It's fun to be stage crew only. Hehe!

This is going to take a fair chunk out of my evenings next week, so if I seem a little cranky or frustrated or whatever, it's because I'm having a hard time getting everything done.

Weeelll... that's all for now...


1 comment:

Frank Di Gerl said...

Petunia, I love your comments! They are so encouraging to me! Thank you!