Saturday, November 11, 2006

Make-up Act II

God is amazing! The way He worked out this week was amazing. I had almost nothing due, no tests, nothing assigned... it was awesome!

It has been a lot of fun doing the make up. I figured it would be enjoyable, but it has been quite fun indeed!

I've gotten to know the people whom I do make up for, which probably wouldn't have happened if I hadn't done it.

(FYI, I'm not in the picture. It's just a random shot of random people)

This next week, however, it chock full of tests, speeches, and writing assignments. Not to mention a thorough inspection of our rooms come Monday. This means Sunday is spent deep cleaning. Oh joy.

But, I'll get it done by God's grace... I pray...

Friday proved to be a wonderful day! Not only did I only have one class and got to take a wonderful walk around Reflection Lake, but it was also the night we had the cast party. That was fun! The cake was delicious too! Anyway, back to the party! It was such a wonderful time of fellowship! I was able to see everyone just mill around and be themselves with out any nerves about the performance. Everyone was just relaxed and kicking back and having fun. I really really enjoyed it!

By the end of the evening I was laughing so hard that my stomach hurt and I was almost certain I was going to fall over with laughter. Some people just make me laugh! Afterwards I headed over to the Rec Hall to play a couple different card games. (Like Uno)

It snowed here Friday! It was beautiful! This is snapshot from the path around Reflection Lake with a picture of Reflection Lake. I walked it with a friend of mine, and she got really good at stopping for me to snap pics. Then she said her father did the same thing all the time. Anyway, most of theses pics were taken relatively early on in the snow storm, so there were several more inches added afterwards. But by then it was all spoiled. You see, my friend and I were the first ones to walk the path, so I got pics of it with out any footprints. Whee! I was a happy gwumpkin!

And the fact I got to wear my Ulu's out in the snow had nothing to do with it. I swear. Nothing at all. I love my Ulu's! WHEE!

Do forgive this entry if it is disjointed and slightly incoherant. But I am simply exhausted from this week, and God is in the process of showing me or teaching me something, but I don't know what just yet. So, I'm trying to figure out what and follow Him and pray and ... all that...

...My mind is terribly preoccupied...

Oh, I have been in an artistic mood lately, so I've been making various graphics. Well... It'll probably be shrunk down quite considerably, but here are two banners that I made and am particularly pleased with.

Anyway, that's all for now! Later!


Frank Di Gerl said...

Sunrise, sunset... I can't remember which I looked up. Hehe!

Next time I'm out in California (which, I doubt will be anytime soon. I seem to be only in MI or WI) I'll have you hook Pec and I up for Uno. ;o)

Frank Di Gerl said...

Well, at the time I wrote it, I sorta didn't mention names on purpose... but now it hardly matters.

And yes I did. But you have to know where to look. :o)