Okay, anybody else in the country notice that gasoline is now over three dollars a gallon??? ANYONE??? I don't know about the rest of America, but frankly, ten dollars and some change for three gallons of gas is more than a little bit ridiculous!
I thought we were going to Iraq for free oil! I thought that's what this whole "War on Terror" was about! If so, I WANT MY FREE OIL!!!
I also thought that we have that niftly little Alaskan pipeline... which I happen to know isn't running at anything near full potential! Truth be told, we don't need Iraqi oil, we have enough of our own! Just sitting in the ground waiting for us! Maybe I'm just falling prey to the Alaskan pipe-dream.
We also have oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of California, and various other places. Our gasoline should be dirt cheap! We should be the world supplier of oil, but hey, let's not use what God gave us. It would only make sense, and good gracious, we can't make sense! Then we might have to rework the public school system!
But that's a rant for another time.