Monday, January 28, 2008

Not by Circumstance

Listening to Works of God testimonies in chapel today reminded me that nothing EVER happens by chance, and nothing would happen if God didn't direct it to.

Just thinking about being back up here at school- I would not be here if it were not for God's provision. How my financial help came about is particularly because of God's leading and direction. Conceivably, one could say it came about by circumstances and would have happened with out God. This I fully reject as silly. I may forget this at times, but I truly believe that God has His sovereign hand in absolutely everything. He guides and directs in what seems, to our perspective, the most subtle and ordinary of ways, and then "on occasion" in a miraculous way to prove to us blind humans that He's really been in this the entire time. It humbles me and reminds me what a great God I serve.

Oft I forget this as well, but God never guides us to go or do anything if He isn't going to provide and enable us to do it. That is the wonderment and amazement about this Christian life.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Last Week Home

Well, I'm looking at the last few days home. It's always mixed emotions about them. Part of me is sad that I am leaving friends and family again, yet part of me is excited to see the other half of my friends... many of which have become like family. It's always that way.

In more than one way I feel like part of me has already returned to school... partly because I've been busy cutting out and sewing banners for the Valentine's Banquet... partly because I am once again looking forward to Wal*Mart excursions for stuff that I need for school. Roomies- don't panic. I'm not bringing back much from there except for chips and salsa. ;o)

To update you on my life since my last post (I just know y'all are on the edge of your seat! lol.), I have managed to do a bit more writing than I thought I would. I'm quite pleased with how my little story is taking shape. I now have some history to go on and the future (for the characters) is starting to form. Fun times! I've also learned how to cut glass bottles. Whee! Also, I wrote another addition of Ye Olde News. It was about a year or so in coming, but I finally got around to it. It wasn't the best issue yet... largely because I wrote all but one article. For the next one, I am going to recruit writers from UNTA to work on it. Ha! Besides the banners, I have made a lovely little chain for my two thumbdrives. It's beaded. Go me! Other tahn that... not much.

Oh yes, I bought a moose calendar and a "Children of Hurin" calendar. Heeheehee!

I'll throw this out, along with a copy of it- I'm doing well on getting my months of the year wallpapers done. Whee!
I'll say a disclaimer right now that none, or very few, of the pictures or brushes used shall be mine. If the brushes are not stock photoshop brushes then I got them from Miss M. Tis a website. If you want a link, I'll give it to you.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Russian Revelation

Guess what, our "Global Warming" is a natural trend and we're heading towards a nice cold snap. Read about it here!

(picture's from last year.)

This means when I go out to buy a big truck and some Greenie comes up to me and starts preaching at me about how I'm destroying the environment, I shall simply whip out my print out of the article I linked you to and point to the bright and cheerily highlighted section that reads, "Carbon dioxide is not to blame for global climate change. Solar activity is many times more powerful than the energy produced by the whole of humankind. Man’s influence on nature is a drop in the ocean."

Ha ha ha.

Anyway, since it is a new year, I have been giving a good deal of thought about what resolutions to make, if any. I decided on a few spiritual things like trying to meditate on a verse throughout the day and improving prayer life, but this was rather a goal before the year turned.

As for anything else... I can't decide. I'm thinking of carrying over one from last year which was to reduce salt intake. I was met with some success, and so I can't say it will be a new resolution or anything. Merely a continuation of an old one.

Alright, I believe a few smaller resolutions are in order, if nothing else, for my own discipline. So, two new goals for this year: to write in my journal at least once a week and to spend time on my story every day.

The first one has to start after I get back though... sorta forgot my journal up at school... hehe!

I wouldn't call this a resolution, but I'd like to create a wallpaper for every month of the year. Fun times.

Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Again.