Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sorely neglected...

Dear Never-here blog,
I have sorely neglected you over the past nine months. Sorry about that. If it helps make you feel any better, I haven't had a lot going on in my life. The only notable things have been finding a new fun obsession in Avatar: the Last Airbender and taking up yoga. I can almost touch my toes, I'm like an inch away! YAY!

Don't mock me.

I would like to let you know, that I have not forgotten you, or the Tales of Pharmacie. I'm still working on it... I just can't figure out the climax of the story! I've got a plot hole that looks like it could swallow a Volkswagen.

Other than that... not much going on here. Border's has closed, which makes me sad... but not much else happened/happening.

All for now! Hopefully I'll write soon with some sort of awesome, pithy, insightful post about something epic.

Sincerely yours,
Mona Lisa

P.S. One of these days I will get on here and post something life shatteringly epic. Something like, I just got a date... or traveled somewhere awesome... or started wandering around in space and time in a blue box with a man called the Doctor...

Dream dream dream...