Is randomniscity a word? *checks on Merriam- Webster.com* Apparently not. I should submit it. It's a good word. Perfectly describes when I post, what I post about, and virtually everything else about me.
Another new word: Predictarandom- Predictable randomness.
Enough with creating words! What is the word for that...? Ah, forget it.
Before I got a word further, I would like to thank you all who prayed for mom's mini-van to be fixed because it was and for much less than originally thought! PRAISE GOD! As a result, they can come up and visit me this weekend for my burfday! WHEEE!!! We shall "eat cookies, drink pop, and be MURry happy." -BC
Anyway! All those who have ever written a story of any sort, or even a poem, can understand how utterly annoying it can be to have a wonderful idea in your head, but when you go to put it on paper have it not translate very well. Such has been the last week. I don't know if it's lack of sleep, too much sleep, or just my poor little mind finally going hay-wire, but my imagination has been all over the place. As a result, I've had some marvelous scenes running through my head that are worthy to be put in a story. However, when I go to write them down something gets lost and the whole thing just dies.
I have been struggling with that all week. That is, until today. I think I might have a breakthrough folks! On paper, it's looking marvelous! I'm hoping this marks the end of my drought of inability to creatively write. It's miserable when you know you can write short and long stories but nothing comes to you. It's nice when you can sit down with a pen and paper and just go and the story just comes. That hasn't happened in a while, so I'm really really hoping it finally is coming back!
I'd love to give you all a small taste of what I'm working on... but I'm going to make you wait. I'm so mean.

Let me show you how I worked through this.
It's not a sacrifice to give up drinking pop (carbonated beverage). I don't actually need it, I just like it. Nothing wrong with it, but it's not essential. So no big deal.
It's not a sacrifice to give up smoking (I don't smoke, but I wanted to pick a physically harmful sin/addiction). It's bad for my health and generally harmful. Hard to do because it's addicting, but it can be done and needs to be done.
To let something as silly as "modern conveniences," or the American Dream to keep me from serving God is foolish.
To let some sin in my life (whether it be fear, worry, or unwillingness to serve) keep me from serving God is harmful to my spiritual walk and idiocy.
You all probably saw where I was going with this prior to my little examples, but I always like it when someone introduces a concept and then puts it in the simplest terms possible. Not sure if I did that, but I think I made it a little less foggy.
All for now... Oh, before I scoot off, GO WINGS! and I made that whole Africa wall paper thing. I'm thinking of doing a set of all 6 peopled continents. Might break it down into regions... still undecided. If interest is showed in you peoples actually wanting one of these, let me know and I'll make them in different sizes.
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. Amen. (I Corinthians 16:23-24)
Hey Frankie - I really like "that whole Africa wallpaper thing" - I would like to have one and send one to the Morales folks' computer! How do I do it - get the wallpaper, that is? -These folks (the Morales's) we have in our church went to Ethiopia and got their (4) four adopted girls Nov. '06 - These girls are amazing - little worker bees - they put American kids to shame, I tell you! Ages are unsure - probably from 12 or 13 down to 5 or 6 years old. It is amazing to hear the stories the ones that can remember tell of life in Ethiopia. If you would like to see them go to http://www.moralesadoption.com/ and check out the gallery (many picture slideshow!) & the videos. Keeping you in prayer!
click on it, and then it should appear in full size. At that point, right click and save as you would any other picture off the web.
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