Why do people always pick on apples being the fruit from the tree of knowledge and good and evil? They're quite a delicious fruit to be sure, and see nothing sinful about them. Maybe it's because guy's have an Adam's apple. I always thought that was a silly name for them though, because no guy has an Adam's apple as big as an apple. At best, a large cherry. But I digress...
Anyway, as I was trudging up the steps this morning to the third floor of the ladies dorm, where I lay my head at night, I thought how funny it was that I had just made an early morning excursion to the FAC to fetch 2 instruments that I have no idea how to play for a friend who lives off campus and forgot them there. I wasn't bothered by her request for me to bring them to church, but as I was lifting up the edge of my cloak as not to let it drag the ground, and caught a glimpse of my amazing slipper socks (from L. L. Bean) I started musing about how completely random my life is. The last thing I would have thought I'd be doing a frosty Sunday morning is trudging over to the FAC in slipper socks and a cloak to fetch a flue and an oboe... piccalo... or whatever it was.
So then a whole 6 seconds ago I was reminded of how I tend to attract people from all the far flung corners of the personality universe. One of my friends is writing a confessional autobiography about her non-existent dating life, and she asked me to get a few people to read it. So I sent it 3 friends who said they wouldn't mind giving it a look over, and I realized that amongst just those 3 I had a pretty broad range of opinions. This lead to a quick 10 second recollection of my list of friends, which is about as diverse as the human populous itself. The only sort of person I don't have as a friend is... the normal sort. Though I'm pretty sure there's one or two in there somewhere.
Alright, so this is really random, but I had to dig up a friend for one of my roomies out of an obscure picture file, and then I found a half forgotten file of pictures in which was one of the most hilarious pictures I've ever seen of my cousin George and my friend BC. I got quite a chuckle and it reminded me of a lot of fun times and goofy experiences I've had with my nutty friends.
If you didn't know this, you are about to be told that I usually take several hours or a day or two to make a blog post. Not because I have such incredibly profound things to say, duh, or that I have such trouble composing it. It is for the sheer fact I don't always have the ability to sit down and write all at once. This usually works out for the better.
Take tonight, for instance. I go to church via church van on Sunday nights due to choir, but Sunday mornings there and back and coming back on Sunday nights I ride with a friend fondly called Pirate. Usually it's me, Pirate, and one or two others. Well, tonight, one or two others managed to all find other rides. That was the situation at the beginning of church tonight. Afterwards we learned that one girl, let us call her Mary, found out that her ride wouldn't work out. This was after we found another girl, call her Jen, who was willing to ride back with us so it wasn't just Pirate and I (which is against the rules). So we had to tell Jen that Mary was back and she (Jen) could return with her brother. Due to timing of all this, I ended up in Pirate's car by myself eating sandwiches while he went hunting for Mary. After ten or more minutes he gave up the hunt and we both returned into the gym where the church was having a fellowship so we could tell Jen we needed her again. In all of this, Pirate decided he was hungry so he sat down and ate and I found yet another girl who needed a ride, call her Meg, and I went back to have a few more sandwiches. Before it was over, I had had at least 5 or 6 little tuna or egg salad sandwiches, several carrot and celery sticks, and some potatoe chips and a cookie.
At the end, Pirate was mildly frustrated, I was laughing my head off (cuz isn't that just like life?) and telling him he should turn this into a skit. To this he declared that he didn't want his life to be turned into a skit. He said it was an epic drama, but has turned into a tragic comedy. I told him it was straight comedy and he should still turn it into a skit.
If he doesn't, I might. I just might. It was too perfect.