So in other news- I'm starting to hold great disdain for my printer. It always manages to run out of ink at the most inconvenient of times. Here I am, trying to print out a picture of C. S. Lewis and it decides that it shall run low on black. I have received no official notice from my printer that it is so, but I would guess from the very light color of the black in the picture that it is indeed running low.
Either that or being obstinate, which is a perfectly reasonable theory with my printer.
Anyway! I have decided that one of my lots in life is to be perpetually number 2. I found out twice in one day that I was 2 different guy's 2nd pick to take to Artist Series. Considering everything, I do not know whether to be indifferent, flattered, or offended. It's a rather strange thing to learn. On one hand flattering that I was considered, on the other hand almost insulting, but not enough to be actually insulted or genuinely offended. I think I'm more flabbergasted than anything else.

But! I am not saying that simply because of that particular incident. It seems that in most things I tend to run as people's second thought. Which again, isn't bad, but it's a peculiar place to be. I dare say it differs from the whole "Woman is under man" thing. It's easier to be under someone than to realize that should whoever is in front of you be unable to perform his duties that you are next.
"Aww! That was a good try, but no!"
Guess it's like being Vice President, eh?
Wouldn't that be scary: Vice President Frank. MWAHAHAHA! Though, I suppose what would be scarier is whoever was president. That would mean that someone actually picked me to run with them for office. I don't know about you, but that seriously causes me to question the mental state of whoever is running the country at that time. Not to sound like I'm being harsh on myself, but quite honestly, I'm not what you call vice presidential material... I'm entirely too opinionated and stubborn. Maybe that's why whoever will chose me.
The world may never know.
Scrap that. The world will never know.
I obviously don't know all the details surrounding you finding out about being the number 2 pick on the artist series draft but there is one line of reasoning that you didn't include it your posting. And that is, if you are their number 2 pick, that means that there was a number 1. Now if there was a number 1 and the said nimber 1 rejected the invitation of said gentleman (I use that word loosly as all men are not gentlemen) then that said gentleman has been rejected thus making it necessary for a number 2 pick. And that means that that gentleman is really a number 2 pick himself since he was rejected. (what a harsh word!) In other words, if he asked someone out first and she rejected him that makes him a second choice as well. If that makes any sense which it probably doesn't.
Sorry about all the gramatycal problims. I shud hav prouphred it.
Actually, it does make sense. Not sure it's particularly comforting... but it does make sense.
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