If you are a die hard, true blue, "Prince Caspian" purist, then you won't like this movie because it strays from the book.
However, if you're like me and thought that the book dragged at the beginning and weren't exactly thrilled with it as a whole, then you'll like it. Even if you like the story as it is, judging by my sister (who claims this book as her favorite) you'll still like it.
Personally, I really liked it. They condensed a lot of the boring blah at the beginning and turned it to a quicker sequence of events with out losing much. Where it did stray from the book early on, they did manage to keep consistent within the story they were telling.
Actually, if you go in treating this movie like it's fanfiction, you will probably walk away very pleased.
I did not think there was nearly the character slaughtering in this movie as there was in the predecessor, The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (LWW). I truly did think that movie was a very botched retelling of the magnificent book. Even on it's own merit, I didn't think it that good.
Prince Caspian however, manages to stand on it's own feet and still keep the same spirit of the book. Where as LWW managed to lose a lot of the feel of the book, Prince Caspian captured it and brought it to life in a way that the book never did for me.
Trust me, it pains me to confess that I don't care for the book as well as the movie, particularly when dealing with C. S. Lewis, but - I truly thought the movie was good.
There were things in the book they didn't put in the movie, but it was by and large funny and fluffy things that make Lewis' books so fun. I was sad to see the abscence of the school house and the naughty boys turning into pigs, and even that whole sequence but it would have been oddly placed in the movie. As would have Baccus. I do dearly miss those two scenes being cut, but like I said, it was a good movie.
As far as the acting is concerned, I thought Susan was much better portrayed this go 'round than she was in LWW. Peter, however, still lacked that noble, Arthurian quality that was ever so prevalent in the books. For some reason, Adamson decided to make Peter proud. Peter was never proud! This is a character slaughtering that is irksome, but it made for good drama. Even so, it took away severely from the thought of High King Peter, the Knight. Adamson sorta shows the contrast between Proud Peter and High King Peter towards the end, but it was almost too late in coming and was a bit subtle for my

The Battle sequences in this movie were very good! I was on the edge of my seat! They were very well done and I think a bit more intense than LWW. As well, the weapons, the armor, everything was amazing! I was very impressed by the detail given to the costumes in this movie, particularly where warfare was involved. It was ornate, it was beautiful, and it was very believable.
The ordinary costumes were gorgeous too! They gave the kids a couple sets of clothes this movie, and they were stunning!
As far as the acting itself goes - I really thought the guy who plays Edmund did a fabulous job, once again. Lucy was of course portrayed quite well, having grown up appropriately in character and even taking an air of queenliness. Like I said, Peter the character was slaughtered, but the acting for him was pretty good. As well, I think the actress who played Susan did a better job this go round than she did in the first one. As far as Prince Caspian goes - very well acted. He really brought out the struggle that Caspian of the books had between being virtually a kid still, but yet one destined to be king. Caspian was played very realistically, I feel very true to the book, and I give Ben Barnes a round of applause for a job well done.
Oh, and for the record - Reepicheep's coloring was a little off, but he was amazingly done! As well, I liked Aslan a lot better this time. I really didn't like how he was done in LWW, but he was done much better this go round.
One more note - for those of you who may not know - Adamson decided that since the Telmarine's were pirates, he would make them of Spanish decent. Logical, and well with in the realms of artistic liberty. But - Adamson seems to have an unending problem with getting the right hair color on characters! Lucy is suppose to be a golden blonde, not a brunette. Same with Caspian. But, considering the poetic license he took in making them Spanish, a brunette Caspian works.
But that was just a side note.
Over all, I really liked this movie, I hope I can see it again, and I thought it was a job well done.