I just finished a very good book by one of my favorite authors, Ray Blackston. It is called, "A Pagan's Nightmare." It's about a reverse rapture. The redeemed are left instead! You can read the prologue and chapter one here.
It brings up a few good points. One of which being how Commercialized Christ looks to the unsaved.
And while I'm at it, let me take this opportunity to plug his other three books. In order they are "Flabbergasted", "A Delirious Summer", and "Lost in Rooville."
They are about single guys and gals in the Bible Belt that are church hopping to find "the one." It sounds... weird... but trust me, it is utterly hysterical! I don't think I've every laughed so hard while reading a book in all of my life. But they aren't all about the comedy. They do have good points to them as well.
You will probably be tempted part way through to think he's completely cracked, but do remember, they are narrated first person, and thus from the narrator's perspective. Hang in there, read up to the end, and just go along for the ride. In other words, don't sit there and try to figure out. He's a story teller, let the man tell his tale!
Oh, and don't start reading any of them if you don't have a solid weekend to devote to it. They are incredibly hard to put down!
There are potholes on the road less traveled. Some deep, some not so deep, some you dig yourself. Most are filled with mud. Many contain rocks. Once in a while, however, you’ll be walking along and step in one a bit more accommodating . . . shabby, green, and pulsing with life.
It’ll tickle your feet, like clover.
-from the prologue to "Flabbergasted"
Merry CHRISTmas!-Frank