Now, this isn't any nasssssty, sickening monstrosity that looks like... well... that -->

It's faaar from that! This is NOT the fruitcake that you hear all the jokes about. This would NOT make a good door stop or building material. This fruitcake is not able to survive a nuclear explosion. Nor is it responsible for the death of a hundreds of British soldiers.

And nothing accompanies this wonderfully marvelous fruitcake quite like a bottle of either Cranberry Canada Dry or, my favorite, Vernors. Since I've gotten home, I've not managed to have either drink, but I have consumed quite a bit of the fruit cake.
So much for keeping my girlish figure... (like I actually care. Ha!)
Speaking of fruitcakes... I'm now home for Christmas break! This means I'm back to sharing a room with only one other person. In some ways, it's less dramatic, but in other ways, it's more... hmm... insane. Yes, I think that's a good word. I don't think I've necessarily lost any insanity from college dorm life to home life, I've merely exchanged what sort. I went from living with three girls, to living with my siblings again. I had forgotten how nutty they were. My sister claims she's "normal nutty" but I fail to see how any of all this is at all normal. Well, I take that back. It might all be normal, but it is certainly not sane.

I've completely given up on the whole business. Particularly since everyone seems to be in a Scrooge of a mood and unwilling to have a little fun and actually remember to celebrate Christmas. If snow isn't going to fall and people are going to be humbugs about the whole thing, I'm just going to remember that "The best way to spread Christmas cheer/Is singing loud for all to hear!" ;o)
And as usual, the end of the blog entry has very little, if anything, to do with the beginning of it. Hehe!
Merry Christmas!!!
1 comment:
Whee! That's what I said when I made it! So thank you!
Aah! Well, welcome to my corner of the Blogosphere!
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