I've had a song stuck in my head since I've gotten back on campus. There is a very good reason for it... we don't get wind at my house! I live in the woods. The wind doesn't reach us for the most part.
The song is called, "Across the Universe of Time" (Yeah, I know, it's sounds a little weird.). Really, it's the chorus I've had stuck in my head. And only because of the first line of the chorus which is, "And the cold, cold wind, it blows me away." Which, today, is especially true!
The wind is cold and bitter, and it has almost blown me over multiple times today, and it's not even 10 am!
I never fully understood how much trees block the wind until I got up here! It never ceases to amaze me.
---Later Today---
Today was lumberjack day! Whee!!! I had lots of fun with it! Although I couldn't dress up quite how I would have liked, I still could a little bit.
During student body chapel, they had all this stuff set up in the gym for wood cutting, hauling, rope swinging, and pancake eating. Well, being the silly Frank that I am, I went in for the pancake eating contest. There were four of us... I was the only girl. :o)
If I could have breathed through my nose, I think I might have been able to get 5 pancakes down. As it was, I managed to get 3 eaten in 2 minutes. The winner had eaten like 7 or 8. But I didn't care. I was in it for the fun! I had a blast!
Sadly, I don't think anyone took any pictures! Alas and a lack. Moving on!

Just as our Creator's love is so complex, ours is too. The days leading up to Valentine's Day were spent with me contemplating just how I love all the different people I know and how I was going to express that to them.
I know quite clearly how I love them, but I cannot say it clearly! The initial attempts to do so in the form of limericks were... varied. I wrote a limerick per friend, and for some of them it was easier than others. It's cut and dry friendship. The end. A few others, however, have managed to endear themselves to me in a way few if any others have. How do you tell them that? You can't just come out and say it. That scares people!
So, I took all of my poetic ability *cough* and tried as best as I could to say, "I love you dearly, my friend" without actually saying it. I think I might have come close on a few of them.
I found the entire process to be revealing. I had to really think through exactly how I feel towards people and precisely how I wanted to communicate it. It was through this I learned that love is so multi-faceted. It almost seems as if there are degrees or depths of every sort of love. And it almost seems as if some of the degrees fall between two sorts. If that makes any sense.
Another thing that has preoccupied my thoughts is where I have been and where I am. Not geographically, but in life. So much has happened and changed in the last six months that I can barely believe it. I struggled at first, but I've come to accept that things never go back, only forward. And that's just in day to day activities. The changes spiritually that have been made are drastic. Spiritually, I am not the same person I was six weeks ago, let alone six months ago! This is a first. I never had steady growth spiritually growing up. It was often in spurts.
Anyway, I've reached this interesting place where I must balance two worlds- College and Home. The last few days have been a weird mingling of past memories and people with new memories and people. I've never before had to deal with two sets of memories and people at once. I never moved growing up. People often moved away, ne'er to return but for a short visit, so I never had to deal with "old friends back home." It is quite a new experience. I've never had an Old Life before. I never had to leave anything behind. I was the one left behind. I know how to deal with that, but this... I am out of my reckoning with this!
I know that in time I shall adjust, but until then, I have two lives. Can they be made into one?