I have no idea how all y'all's day is going, but I figured I could tell you about mine and maybe give you a small chuckle.
As most of y'all know, this week is the play week. Well, last night was the night that yearbook came and took pictures. All week I had been getting done with the play around 9:30, which isn't bad at all. Last night I didn't get back to to my room until 10:47 and didn't get done scrubbing off the top 2 layers of make up til around a quarter after 11. Before I got into bed I saw that my friend Erin had left her laptop in my room so I could listen to some stuff for my Spanish homework. I crawled up on my bed and read the sticky note attached and realized I didn't have to do the listening til Saturday. However, I had this fill in the blank thing that needed to be done by today. Now, I knew she had sent it to me,and I knew it wouldn't take me long to do it, so I decided that I would be able to do it in about half an hour in the morning on my laptop, then send it to myself and print it out in the labs around 7:45 and walk into that, my first hour class early.
...the best laid plans of mice and men...

So I woke up on time and went to open it from my email inbox and... she has Word 2007 and I have 2003. In case you don't know, you can open 03 in 07, but you cannot open 07 in 03. Stupid Microsoft!
Seeing I had too little time to deal with it, I cracked open my book and started typing. 7:30. Then I started filling in the blanks (it was fill in the blank in the book) and I got half done... around 7:43. Then, I started to get ready to leave because it was either be late and get my homework done, or be on time and get a zero.
... you can't have your cake... or eat it...
... you don't even get a cupcake. so don't even think about it...
In the process of getting ready, I found myself forced into wearing a skirt that needs washed (it's not bad, it just has a spot on it), a random sweater (which I like and is mercifully comfortable!), white knee socks (only pair I could find easily... luckily they match my white skirt), and slip on black shoes. Gotta love slip on black shoes. But I had trouble finding ... a particularly necessary article of clothing which threatened to hold me in my room until it was found. I found it in the end and was able to fly out the door and arrive 3 minutes late to class with homework half done. It was then I decided I was officially having a bad day.
Can I go back to bed?
I need a turtle frap. Or chocolate. I want both.
... but grace is given me...
So I arrive to class three minutes late, no homework, and my make up is still slightly on from last night. I have on my eyes eye liner of uneven thickness, traces of green eyeshadow, I think there is still black in my eyebrows, and as for my arms and legs... I look quite tanned. Not sure if any lipstick is left... but yes, so I look like a wreck, but luckily I'm not alone in this (some people today look purdy rough!). To top it all off, I put on one sock inside out.
Gotta love the finishing touch.
Anyway! I explained this all to my teacher and as I conclude my narration and she says, "Do you need a hug?"
By then, I had already started to laugh about how ridiculously tragically comic this whole thing was, so I didn't get a hug, but I did get grace to get it done by Monday without penalty.
So, to those of you out there that may be experiencing a not so fun day, just remember, you are not alone.
...Eat chocolate, drink pop, and be MURry happy...
Two thoughts come to mind...
1. B.O.O.K.
2. There's a reason I don't have a computer...I would have added words to the dictionary if I did...and they wouldn't be what you would call blessings:)
But hey...you gotta have some excitement in life! And by the way, you guys did a great job in the play!
now that it's a bit late :)
I believe there is some sort of plug-in you can download that will let Word 2003 read a 2007 doc
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