Saturday, April 19, 2008

What a God I Serve!

I must be brief for time is of the essence, to put it mildly...

Anyway, I have to take 2 block classes on cultural studies and I found out Thursday night I have a paper due in it come Monday. I found out Friday afternoon that I have to have multiple chapters ready by Monday. I found out this morning that the bookstore nor the library have any available copies.


So, as I was walking back to my room I was desperately praying God would help me find the book. I tried multiple people but nobody had it that would be able to loan it to me. So, I left on a note on the door of my last hope and turned to the internet.

God is tech-savvy. Did you know that?

I believe I managed to find a complete copy of the book online, and then my last hope came into my room declaring I can borrow hers if I need.

Double blessings!

As for the paper - we have four different topics to pick from, and I am picking un-Levitical holidays. Thus, I am off to write a paper!

1 comment:

Stephen Harder said...

Just had to's 3:55 AM...I'm not really bored...just staying awake...somehow...someway...
this too shall pass....just a couple more weeks.......polkas are good tonight.:)