Saturday, January 02, 2010

Happy 2010!

Well, 2009 is officially over and 2010 is officially here. I would like to be able to post for you my official 2009 playlist, but that my friends is back in the States and sitting somewhat incomplete because I have not picked out my last song for December. When I get home though I will be quite sure to put it up for you.

I know, you are not terribly anxious for it... but I think it´s fun.

Where I am now compared to where I was last year at this time is about as opposite as it gets. I am south of the equator in Brasil for starters. But more than that, I am spirtually moved on and mentally moved on and much happier for it. As a writer... Well, there is a marked improvement for several years ago that is for sure, but I feel more inspired now than I have since high school! Not that I have the time to work on them as I would like, but oh well. As a poet, I haven´t felt this inspired in years, which makes me very happy! However, I am noticing a very nasty pattern with most of my poetry in that the rhyme scheme and meter are getting too predictable. Thus, I am on the hunt for a book. A big book. A big book of rhyme schemes and meters of English poetry. If it exists, I will find it. Until I find that book however, I go back to what I did in high school - copy the masters until I get it down and then make it my own.

This year was also exciting for my musically. I discovered a number of artists... some older, some new... and my music library just keeps growing. I also discovered the wonderful world of putting movies and TV shows on my iPod! Wheeeee!!!! Regretably though, my iPod is back home. I miss it.

Socially, I have met a few people and made a couple of new friends, which I always find a joy! Now if I can just figure out how to leave my room and hang out with people in the Rec Hall, I may develop a social life... just in time to graduate!

Oh yes, I am to graduate this year... Lord willing. I would be much more excited if a) I believed solidly I am going to graduate on time and b) I wasn´t so tired of fighting tooth and nail to get all my credits in to graduate. I have a feeling I will hit graduation with a sigh of relief and the song for the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy movie running through my head: So long and Thanks for all the Fish. If I laugh during graduation, that is why. And if it is not that song and you see my head bobbing then I promise you it is a Jonas Brothers song. If it proves that an unforseen song pops into my head, I´ll be quite sure to let you know.

I actually rather like that fish song - it´s silly. I like it so much, I am listening to it twice in a row on YouTube! Hehehehe!

Now I´m watching Marvin´s Moments. That reminds me - I didn´t bring a towel to Brasil and the FIRST rule of Hitch Hiker´s Guide... or maybe it was the second... no matter, it was very important! ALWAYS CARRY A TOWEL! I forgot one. I thought about it, and then didn´t bring one. Come to think of it, I seem to forget to bring a towel quite frequently! AACK! Wait, The other very important rule - DON´T PANIC! Alright, so I will simply go home, pick out my towel to travel with ever after and not panic. Right. And the 36 hours of traveling I have coming up in 16 or 17 days will be survived with out one. The first 36 were easy enough... *note sarcasm*

In any event I have rambled quite long enough. Plans for this year include spending quality time with my stories and poetry, reading, figuring out a life, not panicking and carrying a towel.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Paige Turner said...

Towels are useful. I always forget them... :(