Saturday, September 30, 2006

A word of explanation

The question will come up sooner or later, so I'm answering it before it does-
Why the names Peggy then Frank?

there was an 8th grade girl that created a comic strip. The comic strip was about a girl, an average girl just living her life and laughing at herself. What was this girl's name? Peggy Marshall. The comic strip was mine, and it was (in a way) about me and what was going on in my head and in my life. Why I named the girl Peggy is the result of watching Batman and Robin then shoping at Marshalls shortly there after.

If you're still missing the Peggy part, let me 'splain. No, too long. Let me sum up. In Batman and Robin the girl that eventually becomes Batgirl sees a picture of a lady on Uncle Alfred's desk (In the movie I guess she was his niece). Come to find out, it was her Aunt Peggy, but Alfred always called her Peg and the story goes on. But, I saw that name and thought, I kinda like that... in an unusual way. So that's that.

Now, what about Frank? That is the most recent addition to my nick-name collection, givin to me by a GA named Jon. Exactely why he called me that, I don't know, but there is some speculation it is due to the fact I am very straightforward and frank.

Why did I change it, ask you? Because someone suggested I do so. I was telling a friend here (Rae) about my blog and what my name was, and she said, "You should change it to Frank." I thought it was a good idea, so I went with it.

So, that's why I'm Frank. I think I'm going to change it a little though so people randomly wandering here realize I'm not a guy. :o)


Frank Martens said...

yea, they might think you are me.

Matthew said...

Nice quote from Princess Bride. Jon is not a GA; he's hourly staff.

Frank Di Gerl said...

*sigh* I'll get it all right one day! :o)

Rae said...

Hurray for Frank! :)