I know my blog is called "Never Here" but that hardly means I'm never here! Why do I say this? Because I have been given demerits twice now for not showing up to places. Devo's and Chapel. I got an email one day a few weeks ago telling me to go pick up a demerit slip. I did so, and lo and behold, there were 15 demerits with my name on them for supposedly ditching devotions. I looked at the date, thought for a minute, then said, "Wait a sec! I haven't missed anything this year!" So I had to get that straightened out.
Well, it has happened again! This time, they said I ditched chapel on Friday. Even though I was not there, that hardly means I was unlawfully skipping it! I was home for the weekend, sitting at Granny's house while everyone else was in chapel. I had a nifty pass and everything. So, now I must track down the guy who is responsible for passes and all that and get him to repeal my demerits. Otherwise, it's off to demerit review for me! No thank you! Hopefully, I'll be able to catch him right after first or second hour. Maybe during third. *sigh* Not that it's a big deal... it's just annoying.

See, I woke up this morning feeling like my head was being bound to the point of cracking. No fun. So, I took some Ibu profien... but for some reason it was or had an NSAID in it. Which is fine. NSAID's like Naproxen are great pain killers... assuming you're not allergic. Wouldn't you know it, I am! And it doesn't work for me! That was no fun. I ended up spending a good deal of time on the phone with the nurse explaining everything to her and then having to trek over to the nurse's station for benedryl. By God's grace the Benedryl didn't knock me out! It usually does, but it didn't today. And... added blessings! It seems to have prevented me having a reaction. WHEE!!!
I really hate it when I do have a reaction. It stinks. The left side of my upper lip swells and gets red and itchy, then there is a spot on my left shoulder that gets swollen and red and itchy, and a spot on one of my shoulder blades (I can't recall which one at the moment). It lasts for two or three days, which is highly annoying, and on my arm and back it leaves a scar of sorts that looks like a bruise. It's always a fun one trying to explain to people.
"Oh, how did you bruise yourself?"
"It's not a bruise, actually, it's a scar left over from an allergic reaction to medication."
So then I have to explain it all and it's no short story. Cuz it's usually people that kinda know me, so they want the whole history of it, and then they have questions, so I pull out my medical records... well... not quite. But it feels that way!
Okay, enough complaining.

And as for the Canadian Uncle Sam pic... completely random...
I'm glad you're feeling better. Now be a good girl and go class.
Petunia- I am feeling a bit ... different? Definitely a little better, but now my sinus' are draining and at moments breathing becomes not so much fun. Yick!
Home is 8-10 hours depending on weather.
Roda- Right shoulder! That's right! It was opposite of everything else! It was always on the left in the mirror when I turned to look... LOL!Class? what class? I ain't got no classes! I don't need 'em! LOL! Day of Rest! gotta love that!
If that's all the bad that happens to me, I will consider myself blessed!
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