Today was a very productive day! I went to my high school's home soccer game today. Half of the people that saw me did a double take. It was amazing to see the looks on their faces!
First glance: Oh, Frank.
Look away: Wait a second...
Second glance: Frank's home from college!
That was most of the people at the soccer game. With my cousins, however, it was quite a different story!
My cousins had absolutely no idea I was home... so I had a little fun! I was IMing George (not her real name... but what I call her) and asking her when a good time to call her would be. Once I figured out she would be home all evening, I told her I had some stuff to do, but would call her once I got it done.
I logged off, got in my truck, and drove to her house. Once I got there, I called her from the truck as I carefully got out, and just started chatting like I was yet up at college. As I talked, I walked up to her door, rang the doorbell, and my other cousin (I call her Jimmy Beaureguard) answered the door. She looked at me as if I had returned from the dead. After a few seconds she stepped aside, and I walked into the door. George was standing in the door way that leads to the kitchen, and she stared at me absolutely dumb struck. With jaw agape she looked at me, looked at the phone, and once she realized that I was indeed really standing there, she rushed at me and gave me a bear hug.
It was wonderful being able to talk to them both! I was over there a little over two hours. It was great to have a chance to catch them up on everything.
The only thing that no one is caught up on is what all my college friends look like. All they have are my descriptions, which, are not as good as pictures. So consider this a warning... I shall take your picture in the not so distant future! Mwahahaha!
More shall come later on how my weekend went. And I'm sure verbal accounts shall be given too. But until then, I have a "written" record.
Ooh, note on the picture: That is a picture of part of my side yard. The brown building in the center of the pic is actually the garage. (the little building behind it being our mini-barn) My house is the green building on the left. That actually does look like a house... when you can see all of it. And it was taken last winter. Just so you know.
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