Monday, November 06, 2006

Here's a question!

Here is a question for the ages.

Who is the bigger wreck?
A. The pre-teen/teenaged girl who is twitterpated
B. The college senior girl who is twitterpated?

And if you want to know why I came up with this question (I'm just certain you're on pins and needles, dying to find out!) it's because I am having a conversation with a twitterpated pre-teen about a twitterpated pre-teen and then... well... I'm at Northland aren't I?

1 comment:

Frank Di Gerl said...

Not that I know of... I can't say I've seen them all, but I have so far managed to avoid the camera successfully so probably not! :o)))

Thank you much! I need the prayers! Especially since I'm fighting sickness. Ugh. I'm somewhere between human and zombie at the present! :o)