Uuuggh! Please tell me I'm still asleep! *looks at empty bed* Ugh! It's true! I am awake!
Well folks, the Democrats have the house! Nancy Pelosi is second in line for the presidency.
And Jennifer Granholm is governor of Michigan. *screams* You have GOT to be kidding me!!! Are the majority of my fellow Michiganders so blind as to think Granholm did a good enough job to get re-elected? WHAT PART OF RECESSION DO THESE PEOPLE NOT GET!!! The rest of the country is doing well economically, yet, true Blue Michigan is to dense to see that that the liberal Canadian socialist has done nothing for our state except drive it further into an economic slump! The unemployment rate in the state is ridiculous, businesses are moving out, people are moving out... in short, the economy is BAD! Why? Because we elected a democrat who raises taxes and hurts the economy.
When, oh when shall people figure it out? If you want things to go better, you elect a conservative/republican who is going to CUT not raise, but CUT (C-U-T) taxes!!! HELLO! Basic economics here folks! The more money people have in their wallet, the more they spend. The more they spend, the better businesses do. The better that businesses do, the more people they hire and more jobs they create. The more jobs they create, the more people who are working and making more money. The more money they have, the more they spend, and so it goes.
Apparently, there are too few of us that recognize this in the State of Michigan.
Californians get this. New York City gets this. WHY DOESN'T MICHIGAN?!?!?!?!?! The liberal democratic hot beds of the country understand this. Yet... Michigan doesn't.
Either that, or the ones that do realize DON'T VOTE! I'm pretty sure all the liberals at UofM, State, and Detroit went out and voted. But do the conservatives, the ones who actually care, the Christians that don't like the way things are going go out and vote? Sadly, many don't.
On the flip side! I'm not sure exactely who passed what, but as of last night it seemed that a fair chunk of the more conservative proposals were passed! Whee!
Ah well! So we lost the house and Nancy Pulosi is now *shudders* speaker, this just means there is more for me to pay attention to! Though, it may not be so bad that the democrats have the majority. The Republicans that were ousted were more liberal, and the democrats that were elected were more conservative. This could be VERY interesting!
So, here we are. The day after the vote. What happened yesterday may affect this country for good or ill for the rest of her life.
We'll see. We'll see.

As long as certain people --->
don't get it in '08 I'll be fine.
May the games begin!
1 comment:
Tis my favorite!
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