-I managed to make good on the resolution to blog more.
-I turned 19
-Managed to write in my journal once a month
-Read more C. S. Lewis
-Started writing a story that I think may actually get somewhere! YAY!
-Worked at Wendy's pretty much all summer
-Dealt with bitterness
-Sold out to God
-Learned substantially about the love of God
-Learned to trust Him more wholly
-Fell into shock for the first time
-Worked costume room
-Was an extra in a play
-Pluto was discriminated against and told it couldn't be a planet anymore
-Went to church in a really sweet car for pretty much a whole semester
-Made a couple new friends
-Reconnected with some old ones
-Learned that I really can't stand tea
-Learned coffee is amazing
-Got 2 new Bibles
-Started learning Sign Language
-Started keeping a spiritual journal
-Sewed a new formal
-Went to 2 weddings for 2 of my roomies from Freshman year
-Started a notebook to keep all my poetry in one place
-Watched every single Strong Bad email on homestarrunner.com
-Joined Facebook (I caved)
-Took a couple of voice lessons
But the one that tickled me most was something left over from last year's dorm prayer group -
-Got to S.C.A.R.E. I got to See Christ Arrange Remarkable Events. And best of all, it was in ways I could have never fathomed and when I least expected it.

Happy New Years everyone! I hope 2007 was a good year for you as well, but whether or not it was, I hope 2008 is even better! God bless! Write you again next year!