Monday, December 21, 2009

The Midnight Blogger which Blogs at Midnight!!!

So, I so totally shouldn't blog this late at night... especially considering how drunk I am with sleep... but post I on! And I don't know why! Which means I am putting up my official ramble warning.

Continuing on...

I have had a whirlwind time at home... Tuesday, I leave for Brasil. *insert screaming here* I don't think it has sunk in yet. I think I'll go into shock when it does... or I'll realize what happened after I get back and promptly pass out upon returning to NLand. Or Headquarters, as the Boof has put it. Bwahahahaha!

Interesting tid-bit - packing for any trip with Survivor-man for a dad means you will be told you should pack everything from a headlamp to parachute cord and a 1 terabyte sd card for your camera. Personally, I would pack one weeks worth of stuff and just go from there.

As it stands, people apparently require a lot more to survive than clothes. Between the allergy meds, bug spray, suntain lotion, and everything else under the sun, I've got quite the little list going of things I absolutely must remember to pack. And while I was at it, I decided to throw in my T. S. Elliot book of poetry, my journals, my Bible, and some chapstick.

Why not?

One huge perk of leaving before Christmas is that for me at least, Christmas comes early! Whee! I've already opened my Christmas gifts and am now the happy owner of Photoshop Elements 8, Allegory of Love by C. S. Lewis, and an assortment of other happy items (including a hoodie that has headphones in the hood's strings!!!). The other huge perk, is that I'm doing all my Christmas shopping in Brasil... which means no one will get anything from me until mid to late January, and it will be just random little knick-knacks. The real glory of junk you get while traveling is that no matter what it is, people will keep it forever and think it is awesome by simple virtue of the fact it is from another country. :o)

But I probably shouldn't have revealed that little secret. Oh well, too late!

Oh!!! Hugely fun bit of trivia for me! I went to my first Sunday School Christmas Party at the church my parents are now going to. I was sooo tired when I left for it and had no idea what to expect, but by the end of the night I had had one of the best times I have had in ages! It was so much fun! I hadn't realized how many fun people were in my Sunday School class... then again, I hadn't attended Sunday School there more than a handful of times and the same people never seemed to show up twice... However! The people are a lot of fun! Unfortunately, they seem to be scattered around the country for the most part. :o( Ah well.

Well dear blog and all.... 5? 6? readers - This may very well be my last post state side. If I manage to post again before I come back, it will be from Brasil!

Pray we have a safe trip, that I don't get any funky or tropical diseases, and that we have an awesome time!

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