Thursday, December 17, 2009

Waiting for the Parentals

While waiting for my parents to get here, I find I have few minutes to kill. So, this is my last Northland post for the year! It is also my first opportunity to get reflective and sentimental. I know, you all enjoy these sort of posts so! The whole two of you that pay attention...

Alright, where was I in September? Well, I came back up here wanting nothing more than to turn around and go home. I was struggling with a lot of things, ranging from rules books to being dateless and generally dissatisfied with life.

Circumstantially, absolutely nothing has changed. However, I am no longer quite so hateful of rule books (we are back to distasteful) and I am more than happy to leave to my relationship status on Facebook as single. I know, it sounds so lame and cliche: "I'm satisfied in Christ, I'm content being single" yadda yadda yadda. Whatever. I'm pretty sure it's not that so much as acceptance of circumstances and being "content with my station in life." I'm okay with the fact I have no idea what I want to do after I graduate. I am fine with having no career plan outside of getting a book published.

In short - I have grown.

Don't you love how people always say in short after a long, boring schpiel?

Anyway, I have struggled a lot this semester with whatever craziness and stuff that has gone on. The insanity of class scheduling and trying to graduate on time... ugh! I still shudder when I think about it, but at the same time, I know I SCARE'd and I know it was all God rearranging everything.

Looking back over four years, I am starting to see how God is tying together all these random things that just seemed like an unmitigated pain in the butt, thorn in the flesh, and general bit of obnoxiousness into something greater. I still can't see the picture He is weaving, but I'm starting to see that there is a theme.

Once I again, I find myself haunted by something the student body chaplain said my sophomore year: God is sovereign and it is perfect.

Between that and SCARE (See Christ Arrange Remarkable Events), I think there's a theme going on and I'm starting to pick up on it -- God is sovereign and He arranges remarkable (and unremarkable) events in ways I cannot even begin to understand.

So, to wrap up this school semester (and all of college thus far: God does not have contingency plans. He is not late nor is He early. He acts precisely when He means to; which is seldom how or when I expect.

Merry Christmas!

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